Travel EYE July October 2017

29.06.2017 | 14:35

Dear Readers, Summer is here once again along with all the fun that comes with it. These summer holidays looks like they will be good ones. Life seems to slow down over the summer months. Children are off school and adults are looking for an ideal holiday or at least some ideas for trips.

Wherever you spend your holiday, you can rest assured that the Czech Republic has many interesting places to be discovered. So, you still don’t know where to go? You can draw inspiration for your trips in the Czech Republic on the pages of our magazine that you are reading.

We have something for everyone; all you need to do is to choose from the many ideas we suggest. Wherever you choose to spend your summer holidays, I wish you fabulous time and wonderful memories of your summer trip in the Czech Republic. Relax and, above all, rejuvenate yourself for the second half of 2017.

Marie Kulinkovská, Editor-in-Chief*

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