Travel EYE July - September 2010

01.07.2010 | 00:00

Dear readers,
we’ve reached summer, and it’s holiday time. One way of spending the time off you’ve been looking forward to so much is to come and visit the Czech Republic. Let me tell you that it’s absolutely gorgeous here in summer. There are plenty of places in the sunny countryside to relax and the towns don’t doze off in the summer heat but instead off er lots of culture and a great social life.

As for me, I’d choose a few days in the countryside, perhaps enjoying the beautiful forests or a pleasant outdoor swim, or there’s Moravia, one of the sunniest parts of the country, which, with its excellent wine, is an off er that’s hard to resist. And then I’d go sightseeing and take in some of the social life in some of our lovely towns, such as Písek, Jindřichův Hradec or Liberec. But it’s up to you what you choose. Turn over the page and you can get started….
Jolana Uhlířová, Editor

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