Jewish Monuments in Vysočina

10.03.2008 | 14:54
Jewish Monuments in Vysočina

Since the Middle Ages the history of many Czech and Moravian towns has been influenced by the Jewish population. Let´s set off for a trip to see Jewish monuments of Vysočina. Let´s visit places where Jewish houses were saved from insensitive building interventions in the post-war years, and where synagogues not have been rebuilt to unrecognizable.

During the reconstruction of synagogues their vaults and stucco decorations were renovated, fragments of wall paintings were saved. The history of the local Jewish communities is presented in them through photographs, period furniture and objects for daily use and religious services. A uniquely preserved Jewish quarter can be found in Třebíč, you can drop into some of the stylish restaurants, visit Rear Synagogue with a large exposition about the Jewish quarter’s history, or take a walk to the vast Jewish cemetery. The Regional Jewish Museum is situated in the synagogue in Polná. One of its valuable exhibits is a temple curtain decorated with prayer inscriptions. The Empire synagogue in Třešť is the only synagogue in our country that has an arcade on its frontispiece, one of its expositions is devoted to Franz Kafka. The houses in the Jewish Quarter in Velké Meziříčí will catch your attention thanks to their impressive architectonic details; the synagogue is renovated for exhibition purposes. The Talmud school in Golčův Jeníkov was the last one of its kind in Bohemia. The depository of the Prague Jewish Museum is located in the local synagogue, but it is not accessible for public. The reconstructed synagogue in Ledeč nad Sázavou is used for exhibitions and concerts. The Jewish cemetery founded in 1601 belongs to the oldest ones in Bohemia. The synagogue in Humpolec jointly with the Jewish cemetery is a part of an educational path. A detailed description of preserved monuments of the Jewish settlement in Vysočina is included in a brochure with the same name. You can find its electronic version on and its paper edition can be won in our contest.

Vysočina Tourism
Žižkova 16, 586 01 Jihlava
Tel.: +420 564 602 555

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