PLACES to go with Jaroslav Svěcený

28.10.2016 | 19:54
PLACES to go with Jaroslav Svěcený

Czech violin virtuoso Jaroslav Svěcený, a native of Hradec Králové, is a leading fi gure on our music scene. Here he invites you to one of the most beautiful places he has worked.

Where would you invite our readers to go in the Czech Republic?
We have got a beautiful country, so choosing one place to go is really diffi cult. Recently, I combined the role of artistic director and performer at a festival in Nové Hrady in South Bohemia for several days. You can fi nd fascinating historical objects in the town and spend the night there comfortably. The surrounding landscape is beautiful and furthermore, you can also visit Austria which is close by. Just a few kilometres from Nové Hrady towards Horní Stropnic is a real historical pearl – the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Dobrá Voda. I had the privilege to play a concert in this unique baroque jewel and indeed, this place has a real “genius loci”. The very setting of this restored sacred building in the charming landscape evokes an uplifting feeling in a person. In Nové Hrady itself, I like the chateau, castle, church and other historically fascinating buildings very much. If you want to take a break from civilisation stress or your everyday work routine, turn your mobile phone down, switch your computer off and enjoy this place to the fullest. Jaroslav Svěcený wishes you all beautiful experiences and sends his greetings.
Thank you for the kind invitation and I wish you all the best in your personal and work life, from all our editorial board.
Alice Braborcová
photo © Jaroslav Svěcený

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