Starring Hurvínek

01.02.2012 | 00:00

January 16th will be the 120th anniversary of the borth of Josef Skupa. This prominent Czech puppeteer and founder of Divadlo Spejbla a Hurvínka (The Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre) was interested in drawing and puppet theatre all his life.

Hi first performed in Plzeň with his puppet Kašpárka. In 1919 he had the puppeteer Karel Nosek make him a doll – a caricature of a townsman with big ears, who became the butt of Kašpárka’s jokes. And Spejbl was born. Skupa was greatly supported in his theatre work by his wife Jiřina, who worked Hurvínek for a long time. Skupa received Hurvínek in 1926 as a surprise from Gustav Nosek, nephew of Karel Nosek. Hurvínek came to be the canny son of his half-witted father, Spejbl. In 1930 this duo was joined by the ever-astonished little girl Mánička, but it wasn’t until 1971 that Mánička’s pedantic grandmother Kateřina appeared. When Skupa’s theatre shows began to enjoy real success – mostly thanks to his skill at improvising – he left his job as a teacher. Besides the theatre, he also appeared with his characters on the radio and in books. After the war Skupa returned to the theatre, but this time in Prague. And thanks to Josef Skupa we can still enjoy those happy adventures in the Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre to this day.


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