Ústí nad Orlicí: Parks. Nature. Outdoor Activities

27.06.2022 | 10:02

Short walks, long hikes, but also silent contemplation, reflection and meditation – nature in the summer season is inviting us to enjoy any (or all!) of these activities. Ústí nad Orlicí has two particularly suitable places for that.

The first one is the park next to the church right in the town centre. Through revitalisation of the old cemetery and the former mortuary, it was possible to use this peaceful park next to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church to build the St. John Paul II Meditation Chapel. The chapel catches your attention with an unusual floor featuring a backlit glass mosaic with a distinct heart in the middle. The walls are decorated with several frescos depicting angels. Another prominent feature of this beautiful space are tubular bells that can easily be clanged by hand. Abundant green areas in the adjacent park provide plenty of opportunities for rest and relaxation.
The other place suitable for meditation is the Way of the Cross, stretching along the northern slope of the Andrlův chlum hill and comprising fourteen chapels. After surmounting the hill, you will be rewarded with a splendid view of the surrounding landscape from the observation tower. There is also a chalet with a restaurant for you to refresh yourself and take rest on the terrace.
Both meditation places are part of the town educational trail that will show you around ten other interesting spots in Ústí nad Orlicí, such as the Hernych Villa or the Roškot Theatre.
Cycling trips are an option, too. Whichever direction you decide to take, you are guaranteed to enjoy a smooth and nice ride alongside the river meanders. You might want to visit the natural labyrinth, a mediaeval fortification, a castle ruin or an observation tower. The closest one on the Andrlův chlum hill (at the end of the Way of the Cross) has already been mentioned. Its staircase has recently been renovated and from the viewing platform you can see the Krkonoše and Jeseníky mountain ranges.
To mix things up a little bit you can get off your bike, rent a canoe and get your adrenalin pumping while sailing down the Tichá Orlice river. Or you may try out the climbing wall with a via ferrata. These and many other facilities can be found in the camping site Cakle on the outskirts.
You are most welcome to come even just for a weekend! We recommend accommodation in the Sporthotel Tichá Orlice hotel, right at the starting point of the local cycling paths.
We wish you a pleasant stay!

Tourist Information Centre
Sychrova 16, 562 24 Ústí nad Orlicí
tel.: +420 465 514 271
e‑mail: ic@muuo.cz

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