Rychnov Toy Museum

01.04.2010 | 00:00
Rychnov Toy Museum

Rychnov Toy Museum Next time you set out for the Orlické Mountains, you will probably go through one of the gateways, the town of Rychnov nad Kněžnou. You can rest here for a while and take a look around. A good idea for a trip with small children is the Toy Museum.


The history of toys dates back to the very beginnings of time and since then they have been the most popular entertainment for children and also adults. Materials used for their production were numerous, starting with clay, then wood, glass, porcelain, celluloid, metal, plastic and who knows what else? The answer can be found at the exhibition staged in the former town hall, displaying toys from 1880-1960. The museum was founded thanks to the enthusiasm of collectors, who placed their exhibits here. Their idea was to demonstrate the life of our children and for this reason visitors can fi nd here mainly factory and home made toys as well as items of Czech production. Lovers of olden times and good coff ee can fi nish their visit to the museum in the stylish Sultan Cafe, where they can enjoy the elegance of the 1930s.
Visitors to the museum will see mainly dolls. Some exhibits can be remembered by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but the collection also contains dolls, which were not used as playthings, but for purposes of prestige showing the social status of the then rich burghers. “Dolls with porcelain heads, from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, are very valuable and worth several thousand crowns. Apart from that there are dolls made of cheaper materials. Their enormous cultural value lies in the fact that children actually used to play with these. (www.muzeumhracek.wz.cz)

Rychnov Toy Museum Rychnov Toy Museum Rychnov Toy Museum

Rychnov Toy Museum Rychnov Toy Museum Rychnov Toy Museum

Town Information Centre
Svatohavelská 105, 516 01 Rychnov n. Kněžnou
tel./fax: +420 494 539 027
e-mail: mic@rychnov-city.cz
www.kulturark.cz, www.rychnovsko.cz

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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