Jeseník - Pearl of Jesenicko

01.10.2009 | 00:00
Jeseník - Pearl of Jesenicko

The town was founded at the confluence of 2 mountain streams in the picturesque Jeseníky Mountains in the 13th century. Until the 16th century the town mined iron, gold and silver. In the 17th century Jeseník suffered witch hunts, resulting in 250 victims.

In the 19th century the town proudly boasted the activities of Vincenz Priessnitz, who set up a hydrotherapy spa there. Even today we can find many reminders of this famous native in Jeseník. For example the house where he was born and which also served as a spa facility, his monument, library and spring. Other places of interest include the Water Fort, Ursuline Convent, and Town Hall. Thanks to its advantageous position in Jeseníky, a developed spa industry and interesting history, the town is a popular tourist destination in this area.

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