Winter in the Olomouc Region

01.11.2009 | 22:27
Winter in the Olomouc Region

Winter in the Olomouc Region The Olomoucký Region is characteristic for combining the mountainous areas of Jeseníky with the culture and traditions of Haná.


If you are a fan of winter sports of any kind then Jeseníky is the right place for you. The mountainous area of our region o ers excellent opportunities for winter sports. Those who prefer wandering around the mountains can cast their eyes on wonderful natural scenery while taking a stroll or enjoying some cross-country skiing. The perfect end to a day in Jeseníky is a visit to the famous local spa. In addition, the Olomouc Region has prepared for you countless adventures, such as Advent markets, visits to theatres and galleries, shopping, as well as entertainment and relaxation in the newly opened Aquapark. In our region you will always and something remarkable, which can entice you into taking a winter holiday or at least a weekend break.

Winter in the Olomouc Region
Winter in the Olomouc Region
Winter in the Olomouc Region
Kostel sv. Michala v Maršíkově
Kašna s jezdeckou sochou Gaia Julia Caesara, Horní náměstí Olomouce
Priessnitzovy lázně, Jeseník
Winter in the Olomouc Region
Winter in the Olomouc Region
Winter in the Olomouc Region
Zima na Ramzové
Aquapark Olomouc
Tradiční olomoucké tvarůžky

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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