A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House

01.05.2010 | 00:00
A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House

Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a Gingerbread Witchdom. While its capital is a matter of dispute (it is said to be the mythical Gingerbreadville), the government office of the Gingerbread Witchdom is located in the Gingerbread House under Kuntická hora Castle.


Dear children,
We will take you to a fairytale land,
In the morning there and in the evening back.
In that land you will learn,
What really happened
To Hansel and Gretel
And the gingerbread house.

The most important person in this fairytale world is her ladyship the Witch. The Gingerbread House is always full of visitors, young and old. Anyone who knocks on the door, says hello, and asks nicely, will definitely get some gingerbread. There is a nasty rumour about the Witch being cruel. But it simply isn’t true! She just got angry with two little thieves - Hansel and Gretel. They did not knock, say hello or ask, they were stealing gingerbread and even lied that it was the wind that did it! Scoundrels! Well everyone knows it – stealing is wrong. So the Witch lit a fire in the oven. But you need not worry! You are surely good children, who will knock and ask nicely for gingerbread so you don’t have to fear the oven.
What else can you find in the Gingerbread Witchdom? Fairytales! Well, not exactly a fairytale, you could read one of those at home, but would you like to see the fireplace of the 12 spirits of the months, Father Frost’s sledge, a beehive for Mája the Bee or the thirteenth room? And would you be interested in the gingerbread workshop of the Witch or a fairytale forest? You definitely would? In that case get your parents and come to the Gingerbread Museum.

Jolana, the Witch

A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House

Gingerbread Museum Gingerbread House No. 38
V Perníkové chaloupce č. p. 38, 533 52 Ráby
tel.: +420 466 612 474, e-mail: info@pardub.cz


A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House   A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House

A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House

Text on view from Tourist magazine and 2 A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House  A Somewhat Different Story about the Gingerbread House

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