By Bike around the Uherské Hradiště Vineyards

01.03.2009 | 22:52
By Bike around the Uherské Hradiště Vineyards

By Bike around the Uherské Hradiště VineyardsOn April 18, the vineyard trails will yet again be the venue for the regular Uherské Hradiště event – By Bike around the Vineyards. It is a date, which is marked in the calendars of all wine lovers and cycling enthusiasts.

The spring ride around the vineyards starts, as is the tradition, on Saturday at 8 a.m. after the registration of the participants at Masaryk Square in Uherské Hradiště. All registered bikers will receive a special “tasting” glass to check the grape harvest at vineyards, entry in a prize draw and after the arrival at the fi nish a glass of good wine. After the morning start cyclists will head for the vineyards where they will be greeted by winemakers with glass wine tasters and a display of their skills. A special route for families with children called On the Trail of History and Wine includes breaks in the form of free admission to some of the historical sites on the way.

By Bike around the Vineyards, means open cellars, winemakers, local wine as well as the lovely scenery and historical sites of the Uherské Hradiště region.

By Bike around the Uherské Hradiště VineyardsIn the afternoon good spirits and cultural enjoyment will be aroused in the slightly tired bikers and all passers-by with a folk cultural programme at Masaryk Square. At the conclusion of the event we will draw a lucky winner from among the participants. The best prize in the competition will be a visit to a wine cellar for 6 people.

By Bike around the Uherské Hradiště Vineyards Why not to come to the Uherské Hradiště region to spend a pleasant Saturday and see the beauty of its vineyards...

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