Welcome to Želiv

03.04.2014 | 00:00
Welcome to Želiv

We wish you a pleasant stay

Želiv has more than 1000 inhabitants. It is situated on the Želivka river at its confluence with the Trnávka river. The village name gradually developed from the old Czech word “Želevo”, which is confirmed by numerous findings of graves there. Sources indicate that a land path led there already in the 7th century, mentioned in 1178 as the Old Path, leading from Prague to Želiv and further to Moravia.

The village dominant point is the Premonstratensian monastery which was established in 1139 by Prague Bishop Otta and Czech Prince Soběslav, the monastery was originally intended for the Benedictine Order. Premonstratensians came in 1149, led by Abbot Gottschalk from Steinfeld in the Rhineland. In the pre-Hussite period, the monastery was an important spiritual and cultural centre of the large region. During the Hussite wars, the monastery was twice plundered and partly demolished. Premonstratensian monks were expelled and they took refuge in the fortified town of Jihlava. In 1467, the monastery was pledged, together with its farms, in favour of the Lipnice Lord Trčka of Lípa. The Trčka family and others ruled there for almost 156 years. The monastery was bought out by the Strahov Abbot Kaspar. In 1643, the Premonstratensian Canonry became autonomous again, but the monks in fact did not have any place for living because the monastery was rather worn down. It was only several years after when they managed to build up a part of the new convent and to decorate the church with paintings and altars.

The first half of the 18th century was the period of a large economic development of the monastery, under the leadership of the abbots Hlína and Schindler. The Premonstratensian monastery became the centre of education and culture of the entire region. After the fire in 1712, the monastery was renovated in the Baroque Gothic style according to Santini’s design.

The monastery burnt out again at the beginning of the twentieth century; fortunately the destroying fire did not hit the church and convent so heavily. The abbey building was renovated in the Pseudo-Baroque style, but it is decorated in the Art Nouveau style. The monastery was cancelled by Communists in 1950 and a detention camp for priests was established there. A psychiatric treatment plant was run in the monastery in 1957- 1991. The monastery was returned back to the Premonstratensian order in 1991.

Holy Mass schedule in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Monday – Saturday 7:30
Sunday 10:30

Visits to the monastery:

Monday – Saturday in the season, i.e. from 1st June to 30th September 10:00, 14:00, 16:00 Sunday 14:00, 16:00

A visit takes place if there are at least 5 visitors. Out of the season on the basis of the prior telephone agreement.

počet zhlédnutí: 3623

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