Christmas table settings

26.10.2018 | 08:42
Christmas table settings

A traditional meal is associated with Christmas. While nowadays, it is carp with a potato salad in Czech households, it was diff erent in the past. On Christmas Eve, the most humble lunch was prepared. The fast was kept and it was believed that if you don’t eat the whole day, you might see a golden pig in the evening. The dinner started when the fi rst star had appeared in the sky. Sometimes, the dinner was served after the sound of Shepard´s horn had been heard. Everyone prayed before eating. The richness of the Christmas table depended on the family wealth. At some places, it was believed to have nine traditional dishes. Crops such as honey, garlic, apples, grains, legumes, poppy, and mushrooms symbolized health, abundance and good harvest. Traditionally, the soup was served and wafers or pancakes with honey, doughnuts, mushroom, garlic and hulled grain “Kuba”, peas with hulled grain or sauerkraut, mash, “music” – boiled dried fruit or braided sweet bread were eaten. There was always bread on the table. Wealthy families could aff ord having fi sh. We cordially invite you to the “Museum Sředního Pootaví” in Strakonice, where you can breathe in the atmosphere of traditional Czech Christmas at the exhibition in the black kitchen of the Strakonice Castle. The exhibition will take place from 21st November to 26th December 2018, and will be open from 10 am to 4 pm on Tue-Fri and from 1pm to 4 pm on Sundays and public holidays.

Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0 Obrázek č.0

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