Christmas in Třešť with cribs

25.10.2019 | 16:17
Christmas in Třešť with cribs

Only few people can imagine the Christmas poetry without a shining Christmas tree. Far sooner than Christmas trees, we were building cribs in our homes. At the beginning of the 19th century appeared nativity scenes made from paper, from the second half of the 19th century mostly wood carved figures. The town of Třešť is thus a unique Bethlehem locality from the Czech and European point of view.

Since the beginning of December you can visit the permanent exhibition of nativity scenes in Schumpeter House, where the traditional Christmas exhibition will take place. In this exhibition you can see, for example, the largest Nativity scene in Třešť, which is expanded annually by up to fifty figures. This year there will be already 1500 figures.
However, you can see the best of Třešť nativity scenes if you visit the town between December 26th and February 2nd, when the so-called Bethlehem Way takes place. At this time, the doors of twenty households will be open to show you the family nativity scenes at homes. Since 2008 the Bethlehem Way is a bit longer, leading to the center of Prague, to the Jindřišská Tower. Thousands of visitors visit the Bethlehem Way every year and thanks to this fact it has been registered on the List of Intangible Property of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic since the end of 2015.
And how to find out which households exhibit cribs? All you have to do is pick up the plan of the Bethlehem Way in the information center, which will show you where to go. You can print it as well from

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