Žďár nad Sázavou – Two Faces of the Town

01.01.2010 | 01:01
Žďár nad Sázavou – Two Faces of the Town

Žďár nad Sázavou – Two Faces of the TownThe current look of the town as a dynamic modern developing regional centre is combined with the serene religiousness of the historic grounds of the former Cistercian monastery.


The beginnings of the picturesque town on the banks of the Sázava date back to 1252, when a Cistercian monastery was founded in the thick forest at the border between Bohemia and Moravia. The town has become a sought-after place for summer and winter holidays. Visitors can set out from here for trips or stay and enjoy various cultural events.
In the winter the town environs off er good conditions for ski running while in summer hikers and cyclists can make use of the tourist path network.
The best known Žďár nad Sázavou cycleway is the 64 km-long Santini route, leading through places, where visitors can admire some of the buildings designed by J. B. Santini, such as for example a church or pub.
Another route passing through the town is the Posázavská Cycleway of 243 km, which starts in Davle u Prahy and ends in the nearby Lísek.
Some of the recommended cycleways are described in the cycling guide of Žďár nad Sázavou, which provides information about their length, the gradient of the terrain, as well as cultural and natural places of interest on the way. The description and map of the marked cycleways can be found at http://www.zdarns.cz.

Žďár nad Sázavou – Two Faces of the Town Žďár nad Sázavou – Two Faces of the Town

Information and Tourist Centre – Old Town Square
tel.: 566 628 539, fax: 566 625 808
e-mail: ticzdarns@seznam.cz

ŽĎAS Information and Tourist Centre
ŽĎAS – Castle T
tel.: 566 629 152, fax: 566 629 331

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